April travels and media

Alright, it's finally stopped effin raining in the Bay (our big winter issue-aside from, maybe, radiation) and yes, that's big news. 1St, well, because it's freaqin' gorgeous and signals the return of the bike riding, outdoor festival goin' “this is why we live here...

Happy New Year! Fuck Depression!

In order to be who you’ve never been you must do things you’ve never done. For a months I’ve been flipping between this quote and a conversation a few years ago, when I 1st admitted to an acquaintance that I suffered from depression. He tried to be helpful and...

World AIDS Day, dads and dancefloors

Today was World AIDS Day and in 2009 it's also a reminder that a decade ago this year my dad died of complications related to HIV.  Bad needles, bad sex, bad something.  I never got the whole story and to be honest that's one tale I'm cool with not knowing.  Truth is...

Afrofuturist down. RIP Charles Huntley Nelson

While a lot of the future soul crowd has been (rightfully) mourning the death of Slum Village MC Baatin, another afrofuturistic luminary passed over the weekend. Charles Huntley Nelson was a visual artist, experimental film director and proffessor at Morehouse in...